Foxy Fitness Studio & Pole

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Welcome to the judge-free zone! Where there are classes for everyone!
Foxy Fitness Studio!
We are more than a GYM!
At Foxy, we are dedicated to bringing you the best fitness classes and experience!
Our trained instructors are friendly, motivating and here to help you reach your goal.
Build your confidence, get in shape and feel great!
Check out our variety of classes!
The below is a brief list of classes, along with descriptions, of some of classes and/or workshops offered at Foxy Fitness Studio.
Please check our schedule for or current class times and availability.
Is the class you're looking for full? Don't worry!
Be sure to join the "wait list" for the class!
When a spot becomes available, you will be alerted by email and YOU'RE IN!
See you soon!
*Disclaimer: We encourage you to consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this
or any other weight loss and or physical fitness program.*
Foxy Circuit
**60 Minute Circuit Station Session**
Perfect workout for us ladies that are on the GO!
Mix it up and get results! Come in for the WOTD (Workout of the day).
No specific class time, just come in and jump in at a station of cardio and weight training. Each day is a different workout. This class will give you a full body workout consisting of 2-4 minute sessions of intense cardio intervals alternating with periods of lighter interval sessions incorporating your core, abs and legs. You will build muscle, burn calories and feel great! Burn and blast calories while strengthening your core and building muscle with interval stations. Be prepared to push your body to the next level. *Please note; quick power blast movements (at your own level) are a part of the metrics of this class.*
Foxy Boxing-
Punch, Kick, Jab and Upper Cut your way into your hottest body ever. You will become lean and mean in this class! Variations of boxing, mixed martial arts and plyometric intervals that will build and blast your entire body. Burn a ton of calories, gain endurance and learn some awesome defense techniques.
Chair Fit-
Kick it up a notch! Dance, dance, dance! This class moves from a dance style to a kick a** workout for your entire body by using the chair as a "Tool". You will squat, booty pop, body roll, leg lift, dip and push yourself up to a new level of physical fitness! You'll never look at a folding chair the same again!
Cardio Core-
Get rid of that muffin top and tighten up that mid section! This class combines moderate cardio and tightening exercises to flatten your belly and shrink your waist line. Get fab abs and a strong core!
Glutes & Abs
Build and shape your booty while sculpting the abs with this quick 30 minute class that will hit every muscle in your core and butt!
Flex & Stretch-
Learn to bend, stretch, split and challenge your body. You will not only increase your flexibility
but will train and elongate your muscles.
Fight stress and relax! Find serenity, flexibility, range of motion and balance. Yoga is not only good for your body but also brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peacefulness of body and mind.
Foxy Rear (Buns & Thighs)-
Tight and right! Build and tone your entire lower body. You will isolate the muscles in your quads,
hamstrings, inner thighs and buttocks giving you sexy legs and a firm foxy too-shy.
Tank Top Tone (Arms, Chest & Back)-
Get the most out of an entire upper-body toning workout. Exercises preformed in this class will help you build muscle and gain strength while working multiple muscle groups. Nothing shows off a toned upper body and arms like a skimpy tank top. Firm shoulders, arms, and upper-back muscles take center stage in this class!
Shape & Sculpt-
Sculpt it all! Arms, back, chest, legs, calves, booty and core! You will define and sculpt your entire body using resistance bands and other techniques to strengthen, sculpt and pump your muscles.
Sexy Conditioning-
Train like a BEAST, look like a FOX! Prepare for your challenge! This outdoor extreme conditioning class that will shred fat and build muscle. This combination of strength, endurance, core and intense cardio intervals will shock your body into high gear! Get ready to flipping tires, swing sledge hammers, use conditioning ropes and other boot camp style conditioning methods!! Bring lots of water, bug repellent, sneakers and prepare to TRAIN!
Sharing of poles or apparatus is expected in classes.
**2 people per pole is expected for all pole classes**
(It is recommended for all pole students/participants wear shorts for class. Non-slip "grip" is also available to assist in maintaining holds on the pole.
*Product can be purchased at the studio at your time of arrival for class*
Pole Intro (Beginner)-
Calling all beginners! Don't be shy, you've got to give it a try! This pole dancing class is for all beginning level ladies;
no matter your shape, size or age! This is a fun and sexy workout that will get you in shape quick! Learn the foundation of pole moves and basic tricks, then you will put it all together to fabulous and foxy routine!
Feel free to bring a pair of heels or you can go barefoot. This class for strictly for the beginner and should be taken several times before moving to the next level of pole fitness. **Shorts are required. No lotions or oils on your arms, legs or hands, please**
TWERK Dat! Pole & Twerk (All Levels)-
Ready to learn how to shake that a$$ on the pole?
This class is for you! Stop, drop & BOUNCE!
Want to know how to roll those hips and bounce that booty? This sexy and fun class will show you step by step on all of the moves to make your hips roll, booty bounce and clap while incorporating pole tricks for all levels!
Even though this is a fun class, your entire body including your abs and thighs will get a great workout!
*Warning: Explicit Song Lyrics will be played during class*
***Sexy heels and legwarmers are recommended but not a necessity.***
Pole & Chair Dance (Beginner & Intermediate)-
Welcome to the fun and sassy world of chair dance with a twist of pole dancing! You will learn pole moves to a sizzling routine that incorporates the flare of lap dance and pole moves. Be ready to dance, sparkle with sweat and shimmy your way to a foxy body! **Be sure to bring leg warmers as an option to routines.**Heels are optional**
Pole FUNdamentals (Beginner) -
Learn the fundamentals of pole dancing/fitness. Climbing, pole sits and spins will be learned in the class.
Starting with the basics will help improve your overall pole dancing skills and techniques.
Pole Fox 1 (Beginner-Intermediate)-
All semi-intermediate polers are welcomed. Been taking Pole Intro for a while? This is a combination class to meet both the intermediate and beginner level. Take your skills to the next level! Learn fluidity, awesome climbs, transitions and tricks that will make your pole routine truly amazing! This class is recommended for polers that have taken several Pole Fitness Intro sessions.
Pole Fox 2 (Intermediate)-
Take your pole skills to the next level with this pole fitness class.
Learn advanced climbs and build on combinations, tricks and moves learned in lower level classes. Blend it all together for an amazing pole dance routine.
This class is recommended for polers that have taken several Pole 1 classes.
Pole Fox 3 (Advanced)-
Hard core pole fitness and its finest! This class is recommended for polers that have taken several Pole 2 classes. Polers taking this class will required to invert, etc.
Pole Transitions & Fluidity (All Levels)-
Now that you know some fun pole tricks and moves, learn how to make them all flow together smoothly.
This class will help you become more fluid in your pole moves and transitions.
Pole Tricks (Intro-Beginner)-
Want to concentrate on the new trick or combinations you've learned? This is a slower paced class and is strictly tricks with no routines. Each trick is broken down to help you build strength and perfection.
Pole Tricks (Intermediate-Advanced)-
Strictly tricks with no routines. Polers will learn advanced inverts, handspring, and etc.
Pole Strength (All Levels)-
Even if you are NOT a poler, you can benefit from this class! Feel like the pole is controlling you or just want to build more natural body strength? Learn techniques that will help with muscle memory, strengthen your core and give you upper body strength.
Aerial Silks, Hammock & Lyra (Beginner-Advanced)-
Learn the basics of aerial silks, hammock and lyra. These classes are a ton of fun and is for all levels of fitness! Ever wonder how the artist of Cirque Du Solei do all those awesome tricks? Here's how you start. This workout is amazing and will take any skill to the next level! Everyone is welcome. Another class that you just have to try!
*Class Attire: Leggings*
Burlesque Dance 101 Workshops-
Introduction to burlesque dancing, the hottest trend in town, bringing together a sizzling dance style with elaborate vintage costumes, cool retro tunes and a lot of sassy fun! Learn how to be a total Glamour queen, how to walk and dance in sky-high heels and how to exude confidence and sex appeal! And of course, you will learn all the fundamentals burlesque dance! You’ll shimmy, shake, bump, grind, wiggle, jiggle, twirl and swirl your way through the classic burlesque moves and use the tools of tease, such as boas, canes, gloves and chairs. Not only will you walk away with a few new moves for the boudoir, but this is also a great workout! No experience whatsoever is needed to take the course, it’s perfect for all ages, shapes and persuasions. Burlesque is offered as a part of our workshop series.
Flirty Dirty Chair/Lap Dance-
Keeping it super sexy! After all that hard work, you need to show of your sexy inner fox. Strut, tease and work the chair like never before. Embrace your curves and build your self confidence. Learn a sizzling routine for you or take it home to your significant other. We are sure they will love to have you practice once you get home!
Sexy Stiletto Sweat-
Dance like a Pussycat Dolls in this super sexy/cute dance inspired exercise class. In this hot calorie blasting class you will work our your inhibitions while crafting the body of a Sexy Diva, learning basic jazz techniques and mastering your stilettos. Learn a hot dance routine/moves that you can perform at home or out on the town. Bring sneakers, sexy workout wear and your hottest and highest heels.
BooTAY Roll & TWERK Workshops-
Want to know how to roll those hips and bounce that booty? This workshop will show you step by step on all of the moves to make your hips roll, booty bounce and clap! *Warning: Explicit Song Lyrics may be played during class*
Sexy heels and legwarmers are recommended. This class is offered as a part of our workshop series.
Fierce & Foxy Floorwork-
Yes, you can work the pole and the chair but every routine deserves some sexy floor-work!
Learn floor transitions to add a little more spice to your routine! Heels and legwarmers are highly recommended.
**Classes are subject to change at anytime**